daznbone are totally buzzed to be one of 12 #trailblazers in their 2019 Ambassador programme
One of the things we are passionate about is the health side of running. This includes all pillars of health - sleep, relaxation and nutrition.
Not many things make us grizzly but the constant blogging of crap food and the seemingly nasty options laid out in ultra race aid stations does.
So for years we’ve been on a constant test and retest of products out there that try and do something more than hook you on sugar or give you a short-term hit and no long term gain. When a team and product is good then it pretty much gets out there by strong word of mouth. When daznbone were getting involved in Spartathlon planning around 2015 we researched what other runners were using for their nutrition plans and high percentage of them were using Tailwind.
Over the past few years we have both continued to use Tailwind in all our ultra races (our training) and now we work with our athletes to see if it is the right product for them. Nutrition is a very personal subject and not everyone takes to gels or powders or solids - you need to experiment and you ideally need a coaching partner that will help you do a lot of the thinking and analysis of this. daznbone collaborate with the expert brains behind the Endure Nutrition team to help you in this space.
Tailwind are also a cool family and the Trailblazer project has already been a wonderful supportive community. #daznbone are loving the vibe from the team and whilst we won’t be forcing any product down anyone’s throats we definitely believe that you should try it and we will happily source you some samples - so ping us and we will do the rest
HOTCHOC: everyone loves to think that they started a trend. #daznbone still cheekily believe that they pioneered the Rebuild Recovery Hot Chocolate revolution - even if we didn’t we LOVE it. Get you favourite milk (ours is Rude Health Almond) lovingly dump in 2 (yes 2) bug spoonfuls of Rebuild (Chocolate of course!!) and heat up this baby - Drink and fall into the greatest drink heaven