Premium Monthly
120£Every monthPerfect for runners looking to uplift their level- Unlimited Coach Contact
- Camino Coach Team
- Primary Coach
- Zoom call once a month
- Daily adjustable Plan
- Training Peaks Premium Account
- Free or Discounted access to all Camino Events
- Camino Toolbox Programme
90£Every monthPerfect for keeping you motivated- Kick-off Session via Skype or Phone 45 minutes
- Getting under the skin of what your goals and drivers are
- Harness what you are good at and focus on the other pillars
- Full data analytics using the coaching tech on Training
- Daily programme of activity and updates
- If you wish we will also build a nutrition plan
375£Perfect for One-off Race PlansValid for 4 months- Questionnaire to understand your run goals
- Your bespoke programme setup on Training Peaks.
- 3 x 1 hour Skype or Phone calls to get started, track you
- Unlimited email contact during the 16 weeks
- Closely monitor your progress using Training Peaks
Camino feel passionately about coaching those on lower incomes. Please contact us for these discount plans
Paula Bedford
UESCA + Full EA Qualified. Paula is deeply curious about running and the bodymind. She has found the integration of somatic modalities, such as Feldenkrais, into a running practice is a wonderfully rich way of developing greater self-awareness through running.
Paula believes that whatever your age, speed or distance you run, you can continue to develop your physical and mental skills to find ease and joyfulness in your running.

David Bone
Happily running ultras since 2005. First ultra - London Ultra 50K, followed by Anglo Celtic Plate 100km and 6th place at Cotswold 100.
First dream race completed - 2017 Spartathlon finish with Daz.
Personal key running achievements: Marathon PB of 2.51, a 100km PB of 9:07 a 24 hour PB of 141.8 miles at World Champs Albi 2019 - 63rd
2021 Top 20 Spartathlon 27 hours
2022 Top 20 SDW 20
2023 Top 20 Winter Spine
2024 Tunnel 200 - Winner
Love coaching trail runners, ultramarathon newbies all the way to International level ultra-athletes

Kelsey Price
Kelsey preaches the Camino ethos in that the single most important factor is finding true enjoyment in running. She believes this is the key to grasping those running victories. She holds a BSc in Physiology and Masters in Public Health, having focused on the physiology of exercise and how exercise can be used as medicine. She is fascinated by the female athlete, particularly tuning into female physiology and using it as a superpower, by optimising training around physiological cycles. She promotes a holistic and collaborative approach to coaching.
Personal achievements:
9th Best 24hr British Woman Alltime -1st Gloucester 24 Hour 2022 205KM - 17’37 (1st lady, 2nd overall) in the Robin Hood 100 mile race.

Darren Strachan
Darren is the Data-Guy in the Coaching Team.
Competed in a diverse set of events, from classic big city marathons to niche ultras such as Centurion’s SDW 100, KACR 145 mile, 24 hr races at (World Champs) Belfast & Tooting and the legendary Spartathlon three times.
Darren has competed in all the Centurion 100s and has a wealth of experience to share with runners on both the mental and physical complexities of the ultramarathon challenge.

Stef likes to measure running routes and races on the important metric DPM (dogs per mile). She started running many years ago to support her mental health.
Stef is studying a degree in Physiotherapy and an England Athletics Coaching Qualification. She has a wealth of knowledge in long distance racing and training, from marathons to 50km to 50miles.
She's eyeing up something multistage with a 250km figure for her next adventure!
Stef is passionate about encouraging and welcoming runners, especially female athletes, into ultra running whatever shape, size or pace.

Jess Johnson
Jess has come full circle in her journey with Camino Ultra - from running her first 50km with the community to now hoping to help others to achieve their dreams too. As a Clinical Scientist, Jess has a keen interest in number crunching and evidence-based approaches to training, but is passionate that the joy of running as a hobby should never be at the expense of this.
Jess is eager to help those struggling with confidence and their identity with running, and hopes to empower them through her coaching, to achieve more than they think they can. She's also a strong advocate of the power of transferrable skills shared between running at all levels and busy lives outside of this.
Jess has raced all over the world, and will willingly bend your ear with stories of her adventures. Some of her recent achievements include 1st female 2024 Winter Spine Sprint, 1st female 2023 Ultra X Tanzania 250km multistage race, 1st female 2022 London to Brighton 100km, 2nd British female 2022 Comrades Marathon.

Stef Allen
Become a Camino
Athlete (then Coach)
Camino are currently Coaching several teams.
One to take on their first Ultramarathon and one to tackle The Speed Project (running from LA to Las Vegas)
In recent years we have supported groups of athletes at the Montane Spine and Ultra Trail Snowdonia (UK) as well as many Trail races all around the Globe.
If you are interested in being coached by Camino then contact us and we can start the discussion on how best to Support You

Our Philosophy
Camino Ultra has a philosophy and that is to educate our community to be able to be the run coaches of the future.
The important and valuable skills needed to move and then run are essentially simple but they are not taught at school or in many sports clubs.
Over the next few years Camino will be taking people through our Academy and enabling them to be run-leaders, trail-runners, events organisers.
If you are interested then contact us.

The only reason that you are viewing this photo of me at the finish line of the magnificent South Downs Way 100 is due to the coaching team of Camino.
Having never completed anything more than 50km run prior to Jan 2022 Camino had the onerous task of preparing a middle aged, slightly overweight, 54 year old, rookie runner into an Ultra runner athlete of supreme stature. Ok to clarify that line - by supreme I mean to just to finish was the goal.
So with the hour long one on one video call complete with my explanation of goals, targets, beliefs and current fitness levels.
A totally awe inspiring brief was echoed back from the coach on what I could achieve and how by encompassing all of the key pillars of their training structure I could go on to become the runner I craved to be.
The key takeaway for me from this was the sheer positivity and enthusiasm that made me want to lace up my shoes for my first training run.
The plan arrived but only the first 2 weeks, this I found to be brilliant on focussing your mind on getting something out of each and every run. Every run should have a purpose and by only seeing the next 10-12 runs this made the goal of each run so much clearer.
The training runs were tailored around 3 races I had entered (in a moment of madness) namely the Brutal Half Oner (45 miles) in April then the North Downs Way 50 in May culminating in the superb South Downs Way 100 in June.
It still blows my mind how I managed to get myself from the furthest distance of 50 mile in May to complete a 100 mile race in June. Now I know I would not have even made it to the start line let alone the finish if Camino had not coached me the whole way. Even during a bout of covid and a chest infection they stayed positive with me, gave me belief, gave me the tools to physically and mentally succeed. I owe them the world and every race I complete from now on will be because of their coaching. An old Naval expression - BRAVO ZULU to the best coaches in the country.

Camino Team Coaching
Monthly Zoom calls
Full Race Plan - Camino either with you or providing full remote support
Training Peaks Premium - deep dive into analytics
Daily adjustable programme of activity on which you can provide comments/feedback
Nutrition, Strength and Recovery plan into your schedule
Ideal for you big A Race calendar year
Kick-off Session via Skype or Phone 45 minutes
Getting under the skin of what your goals and drivers are - we want you to maintain focus and enjoy it
Harness what you are good at and focus on the other pillars to help you grow - diet/sleep/stress
Full data analytics using the coaching technology on Training Peaks
Daily programme of activity and updates on which you can provide comments/feedback
If you wish we will also build a nutrition plan into your schedule
Questionnaire to understand your run goals
Your bespoke programme setup on Training Peaks. This will be tailored to you and your goal events, it is not a generic plan, and will be achievable but challenging
Three x 1 hour Skype or Phone calls to get started, track your progress and make adjustments. Unlimited email contact during the 16 weeks, we are very responsive
We will closely monitor your progress using Training Peaks and give you regular feedback. Sometimes we will probably tell you to slow down!
Camino have had an affinity for the Spartathlon race ever since we first started our ultra adventures. Back then we knew very little. We didn’t know anyone who had ever run the event (everyone seemed like Greek Gods) and we definitely didn't feel like we were equipped to complete it ourselves.
Over the years we went on our own journey to get the “qualifying” standard needed just to enter the “ballot” and in the first year of entering neither Darren nor David were successful. Our two great friends James Ellis and Jamie Holmes did get in (2015) and so we went to be their “crew”.
Since then Darren entered and DNF’ed in 2016
In 2017 the impossible happened and both Darren and David as well as James (3rd time in a row) and Jamie all managed to squeeze in via the ballot and created history by being the first team of 4 runners to complete the Spartathlon running and finishing together.
In 2018 Darren once again has just completed this epic event for the 2nd year in a row and David has gained automatic entry for 2019 by getting his auto-qualifier at Tooting 24hr 2018.
In 2021 David returned to unleash his inner beast and finished in Top 20 with a sub 28 hour. Darren is now on his way to Spartathlon legend status with his third epic finish #nostoppinguntilten
As coaches we are inspired to help others prepare, train, gain entry and possibly be your on the ground team for future Spartathlons.
Our mission over the next few years is to help coach more athletes to achieve their Spartathlon dream and importantly to help continue to create an opportunity for more runners from diverse backgrounds to realise a dream Spartathlon
Camino Athletes who have successfully completed Spartathlon include:
Jason Skirrow (2021)
Anthony Lee (2021)
Ash Gilbert (2022)
Julien Cazorla (2022)
CAMINO RunCamp 2025
Dates: To be announced shortly
Venue: TBA
More info + booking on:
We have put this runcamp together so that it will be accessible for everyone – whether you are a 24-30 hour Spartathlon runner and you want multiple challenging runs to feel like you are in awesome shape, you are the hero bunch who have come so close over the years and you want all the tools and coaching to get as prepared as possible to be a future finisher or you just want to hang out with other runners and get a better feel for the amazing Spartathlon journey. Whether you are a Spartathlon pro, a Spartathlon hopeful or maybe someone who wants to experience the beauty of the Bulgarian mountains and hit the Spa and pool – we have it all covered.
As coaches and fellow runners, we genuinely do care about you. All guests will be offered specified Sparta online coaching advice and support (should you wish to receive it) to get you in the best mental and physical shape “even before you arrive with us”. This is completely optional as we understand, as fellow Spartathletes, even getting to this race takes a level of knowledge and understanding of ultra-running already - we are just merely there to offer advice and to support you from our own knowledge of the race and our own coaching styles we have used to finish this race in previous years. This is completely FREE OF CHARGE to all guests.
Once we meet you at the airport we will make sure that the whole experience with us will mirror the same unique community feel that anyone who spends a week in Greece for the Spartathlon always gets. From the delicious (and nutritious) food, the evenings together, the spectacular run-stop locations, the vibe in the accommodation, the presentations, the heat-training, the unique Mountain Night Run and the special touches already being devised by our creative friends – this will be a rewarding and unforgettable run-based journey
Nathan & Tori live and run/train here. David works here. You will be supported by our Bulgarian friends who have spent their lives in these mountains + we hope to have several of our friends from the Bulgarian ultra/Spartathlon community joining us. If you haven’t been, the Bulgarian mountains and the low-level town of Bansko are beautiful. The location with its open roads, the plentiful flat countryside routes and roads up the mountain are “just like Greece and just like Spartathlon”. Plus Bulgaria is cheap and easy to get to and once here is fantastic value for money.
We cannot wait to see you – If you have any questions please contact us on info@caminoultra.com
2024 - 2025
At Camino we love all forms of running but we particularly love the mecca of Marathon. There’s something unique about pushing yourself for 26.2 miles. Very few endurance runners complete an ultra without a break (even a 30 second stop to fuel at an aid-station) but to run 26.2 miles without stopping is epic. To run 26.2 miles to the best of your ability (and maybe get an EPIC PB) is something run-special indeed.
But to run 26.2 miles well takes work, and it takes a sensible plan. And if you’re aiming for an 2021 marathon like Brighton, Manchester or the monster that is London, you have the small matter of the Festive Season in the way. If it’s your marathon debut, you may be feeling a tad scared right now. And if you’ve run marathons before but never quite hit the time you’d like, maybe you’re wondering if this time round will be any different. If you don’t train different, chances are it won’t be.
Using the same passion we do in everything Camino related, we will discuss your marathon experience and ambitions with you, and create a plan tailored to give you the best chance of hitting your goal. We will hook you into our STRAVA community , make you feel supported with daily comms, be online to cover off prep for new runs and discuss runs just completed. With kit and nutrition support factored in we will get you to 26.2 nirvana. We will only have a small and manageable set of athletes at any one time. So if you do join us we will do everything we can to ensure that you feel the benefits of this.
Get extra motivation during Winter months - we work together and share constant “private” feedback tailored to you
Coaches that will help you select 5/10km/Half marathon races leading up to your marathon - ones that we might join you in
Proactive guidance on staying injury free - immediate feedback when you aren’t sure if you are “sore or close to injury” - don’t jeopardize all of that brilliant training
Be part of our Camino Marathon team and Community
Ultimately we believe that this should be the start of your adventure and so we are focused on giving you the structure and good habits that you take into you day-to-day lives that will provide value forever
Let's have a free one hour consultancy so we know what the best plan is to offer you
This is usually to cover a 12-16 week period